
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Featured Blogger: Melissa of The Inspired Room

The Inspired Room is a place for you to do just that - get inspired. If you aren't already reading this site daily -well, you need to be. With post like "Just Start Your Day with a 5 Minute Routine" to "DIY Cozy Winter Felt Wreath"  -- we get so excited to see the post each day as Melissa inspires us everyday. We can thank her for showing us it is about the simple things in life. 

{Melissa of The Inspired Room}
We were beyond thrilled to chat with Melissa - the brilliant mind behind The Inspired Room and just couldn't wait to share this amazing blog with our readers! 

{1} What inspired you to begin your site, The Inspired Room?

I began my blog as a part of The Inspired Room, my decorating business. I started my business because I wanted women to find contentment in their home and give them encouragement to make what they already had more beautiful. I had no idea the blog would turn out to be such a big part of my business -- it kind of took on a life of its own! It has been really fun connecting with thousands of other like-minded women around the world.

{2} When you aren't writing what else can we find you doing?

You would probably find me puttering around the house, which is one of my favorite hobbies. I have three kids and a husband -- they are my biggest priority. My family moved to Washington two years ago to start a new church so that also takes up a huge part of my week, I try to juggle life online and off as best I can!

{3} Do you have a favorite post you have shared? 

My favorite posts are the ones where I can tell I shared something that changed how readers thought about their own home and circumstances. You see so many beautiful homes online and in magazines. They are fun to look at, but they can sometimes make you feel less than content about what you have. I love to be able to redefine for women what a beautiful home really is. It is fun to inspire readers to take inspiration from a photo or an idea and turn it into something they can actually do at their own home, no matter what their budget or home is like.

{Melissa's "office" - The Blogging Area!}
{4} What is your favorite room in your house and why?

Right now my favorite room is my family room, because it is really the only room I've completely finished painting so far! Having a room that is fully painted in a color I chose really makes me happy. 

In my old house, my favorite room was my kitchen. We remodeled it several years before we moved, using many of my favorite ideas and finishes. I miss that room tremendously, it was so personal and so ME! Maybe someday my new house will get a kitchen makeover. 

{From The Inspired Room, Simple 5 Minute Routinue}
{5} What is your #1 tip for Moms trying to manage keeping their home in tip-top shapre, minus a maid?

Daily routines are extremely important. I like my home to be "clean enough" Not perfect, but relatively tidy and clean. I share my four basic daily routines on this post. Without daily routines, my housework would pile up and it would be a disaster zone most of the time. 

From The Inspired Room, Keeping Things Simple: Real Life Accessories}
{6} What are some of your personal home decoarting tips you can share?

I share a lot of tips each week on my blog (here is a link to some of my decorating tips from my favorite posts). I think the tip I resonate with the most is to incorporate things in your home that hold a lot of meaning to you. The goal I want to achieve is to have a home that is completely authentic and personal to me. You can gather up a bunch of trendy items you find in every magazine, paint your walls the most up to date color and your room might look end up looking very pretty. But when you give your home a unique personality, you give it a soul. Those are the rooms I fall in love with!

{7} What is up next for you?

So far this blogging journey has been full of unexpected surprises, so I am curious what this year will hold! My main goal is to paint more rooms in my house! 

Inspired yet? Head over to The Inspired Room where you will be inspired for weeks! Melissa has made a beautiful empire of inspiration and we just adore her and the site! 

{All Things The Inspired Room}


  1. Thanks for sharing the great work of Melissa. I love reading "The Inspired Room."

    I also love thoughtful people that help promote other great blogs.


  2. I, too, love reading The Inspired Room for all of the decorating ideas and tips.

    Also, Melissa's post on the 4 tips to house cleaning is just what I needed. I have to little ones and one (big little one) who I need to teach what "Cleaning Frenzies" are. Great ideas. Thanks!

  3. I love Melissa's blog. She has beautiful style and makes anyone know that they can make their own home beautiful too!


  4. Melissa il tuo blog รจ sempre una meraviglia!!
    un abbraccio

  5. I love the Inspired Room! Such a pretty and fun blog with so many down to earth and realistic ideas!

  6. Melissa's was one of the first blogs I found years ago. I've been a reader from that day on. I love her style! Thanks for hosting the interview.

  7. So nice to read more about Melissa! :) Her blog is full of inspiring ideas!

  8. I am single mother with limited time and budget. I love the philosophy that Melissa shares of "authentic living" and have adopted it as my own. I read The Inspired Room to get great ideas, that are possible with limited resources. Her upbeat style of sharing makes it fun to create spaces that work for me and my little ones.

    I may not have a home that works in magaizine shoots, but it works for my family and our needs. Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Melissa is beautiful in every way. We loved this post.

    Kim & Kris
    "The DIY Dish"

  10. I look forward to every one of Melissa's posts.
    I've never been one for foofy things, on me or in my house.
    Melissa's no-nonsense, real life style is right up my alley.
    When I see something that she has done, or suggests, or likes, and it's something I have already done or planned to do, I get so excited. I think, "Yea, I did something right!"
    Thanks for featuring Melissa...excellent choice. Excellent post.

  11. I love reading the inspired room. So great to feature her here!

  12. Melissa and The Inspired Room is a favorite of mine also! Thanks for sharing!

  13. So nice to learn more about you and your blog!
