
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Featured Blogger -- The perfection of Mrs. Kelly Stamps!

You may know Mrs. Kelly Stamps from Kelly's Korner - yes, that so cute bloggin' gal we love - that is her! We have been reading her blog and following along with her sweetness. One of the nicest and most genuine people around (and no, we have never met her IRL) Kelly's Korner gives you a peek at just a mother doing her everyday job with lots of prayer, style, Harper and so much more along the way! We can't even begin to tell you all the FABulous things Kelly blogs about - you have to see for yourself over at Kelly's Korner. But, we can help you get to know her! Check out our chat with this Super Momma! 

{What made you decide to start your blog?} 

I started my blog probably 5 years ago - I just wanted a way to scrapbook our lives.  I saw a few friends starting blogs and thought it was a neat idea. 

{Do you have a favorite post you have written? If so, why?}

My favorite posts have probably been the two posts I wrote to announce we were pregnant! Especially the first one I made with Harper - I  had a lot of people who followed my journey with infertility so it was so exciting for me to be able to share we were finally having a baby! 

{You precious Harper is always dressed so perfect in her darling little outfits you don't see everywhere? Where do you shop for her cute little wardrobe?}

I just wrote a post about this. I shop all over. I love old fashioned Southern style clothes. I love to dress her in smocked bishops, big bows and little two piece outfits. I have higher end brands that I love but I usually shop for most of those on eBay second hand.  Toddler clothes, especially nice clothes, are usually only worn once or twice so they look new even when they are used. I also love etsy for cute personalize outfits. I'm a HUGE fan of monogramming. 

{see Kelly's kitchen here}

{We love it when you and your readers show off their homes on your blog! What is your favorite room in your house and why?}

I love my kitchen.  I chose our house mostly because I loved the openness of our kitchen! However our new nursery for our second daughter is quickly becoming my second favorite room. I'm having so much fun putting it together! 

{And now our questions for the LOVE department! What is your message for singles that are waiting for the one?}

I got married at 30 which in the South is pretty old and my single years were hard.  I never thought I would find the One! I think my advice is just to wait on God.  Don't settle for "good" just to get married when you could wait and get God's BEST! Also just to not let singleness hurt your self esteem.  When the right guy comes along - you will be perfect! I always thought if I was just smarter, or prettier or thinner or funnier - I would have married earlier.  But I just had to wait for the guy who would think I was perfect for him.   

{How are you feeling at this point in your pregnancy? I also am expecting - my 4th girl!}

Oh wow - 4 girls! I'm just a lot bigger this time around and she's a lot lower so I feel like it's hard for me to get around already! (30 weeks).  A lot of it has to do with chasing a toddler all day and how tired that makes me.  Other than that - I feel great and I'm trying to soak in my pregnancy because it should most likely be my last one.

{Who are your favorite Etsy sellers?} 

I honestly don't have a favorite seller. I scour etsy all the time but I'm not good about saving who I buy from because I'm usually looking for different things each time. I LOVE etsy! 

{What other blogs/sites do you read?}

I have a lot of "real life" friends who blog and I always read their blogs so I can keep up with what they are up to. I love "Bring the Rain" by Angie Smith, Boomama, Bigmama, "Baby Bangs" by Amanda Jones, and a ton of other blogs - most I keep on my sidebar. I love discovering new blogs. 

{What is your favorite recipe you LOVE to make?}

I love comfort food - good Southern food.  Poppyseed chicken is probably my favorite. I love roast, carrots and potatoes. I love to make King Ranch Chicken and chicken spaghetti.   

{You always look so cute, where do you shop and what style tips can you give other moms?}

You are sweet - I don't feel too cute most days. I want to try and stay semi stylish but with almost two young kids and myself pushing 40 I don't always know how to be fashionable. I think the thing is to dress for your body shape and not just for trends.  I love to wear boots and dresses.  I love anything with ruffles. Actually I'm obsessed with ruffles. My favorite stores are Francescas, Ann Taylor Loft, the Gap, T J Maxx (that's my source for most of my clothes), and even Target.  

See why we LOVE her so much? She is just SO FABulous and pure perfection. Make sure you follow Kelly on Twitter and on her blog so you don't miss a thing! 


  1. kelly's so awesome! what a cute interview!!!! kelly, you are NOT pushing 40- geez! :-)

  2. Great interview, I LOVE Kelly's Korner!!!

  3. Wonderful interview with Kelly. She is a genuine sweet and loving person. I think that is why so many people respond to her.

  4. What a great interview! Thanks for sharing!

  5. She is not only precious, but a great representation of a woman who values her relationship with GOD and lives that way also. I am in LOVE with Harper!!

  6. I have followed Kelly for sometime, she was an inspiration for me to follow as my daughter who went through a long process with infertility is also pregnant. I love how sweet she is and just love the way she dresses Harper. Thanks for choosing her for your blog.

  7. I stumbled across Kelly's blog one day about a month ago. Needless to say, I was hooked! I just love her style! She is so genuine and sweet and it definitely shows through in her blog. I have gone back and read just about every post from way back to 2006. It was so scary to go back and read about all the struggles they went through with infertility and Harper's birth, especially after seeing how absolutely adored she is! Kelly has inspired me to cut my hair short and wear black turtlenecks under my spring dresses to extend my wardrobe through the winter months. Yes, I'm a little bit obsessed with this woman. (Ha!)

  8. I love the interview!!! I just started following Kelly back in Dec. Love her blog:)

  9. Love this post! I stumbled upon Kelly's blog just a month ago and like Kelly I'm a southern gal who loves Jesus so I simply adore reading her blog and getting ideas from her blog (and her style is perfect southern belle classy!).

  10. Love, love, love Kelly! I've been a long time avid reader. Her genuiness comes through in every post she writes!

  11. I love Kelly, she is probably my favorite blogger. I can relate to her in so many ways, I got married at 31, dealt with infertility, and also in my upper 30's. She is truly an inspiration of mine.

  12. I love Kelly's blog too, so thanks for featuring her! She is so personable and sweet!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
